Not everyone needs a piece for the wardrobe that will add a twist to your outfit. Some people just need to wear whatever and walk out the door.
Sure we still need more pockets on dresses. Coats that are water proof. Shoes to walk on snow. These are all out there now, it’s not like we live like neanderthals and still need to create the basics. Keep adding pockets to dresses btw.
It could mean though that even those allegedly in a hurry, want/need a special piece to feel better throughout their day right? Otherwise no one would have their particular personality showing through their clothing choices. I think it’s pretty difficult for you to chase what to wear that doesn’t, at least a little bit, show the world how you’re doing. What you prefer to put on. Who you are that day. How you’re feeling. Where are you going. How’s the weather in your city, etc.
You can’t escape fashion, you need to cover your naked wee body. Even when you ‘don’t care’ what you wear, you are, in a way, showing that to the world too.
I get it, I get it, fashion is more important to some than to others.
I guess Im analysing all this because Im afraid that what I am creating with my brand doesn’t fit in with any of those topics. That people won’t want to wear or won’t find good use for it.
Does every product need to be useful? Whatever I design, create, illustrate, make, has to solve a problem?
I don’t know, I’ve seen plenty of stuff around on shop’s shelves that is just cute. Or badass. Or just meant to sit there and look nice on your cabinet. Or to cause a stir whenever your folks come over for a dinner party.
So what exactly makes someone crave something cool I wonder? Beautiful? Intriguing?
I believe people need beauty in their lives. Need something to look at that makes them feel something. Whatever it is. It taps into their inner voices, be it anger or calm, curiosity or disgust.
Then its the artist’s role to cause that and decide where to expose it. When you’re selling, I think you need to communicate something to find your tribe, people that like the same thing as you. But sometimes you create art for you alone, to let it out anything you crave to show others, or yourself, some vision you had that needs to be let out, using anything at your disposal, how amazing that art can be created in so many ways using so many tools and medias.
Im building a business with sweat, blood and tears to show people what I like, what I enjoy and think is badass.
Things that make my surroundings a bit more magical, beautiful and entertaining, mixed with curious bits of trivia, nature, fauna, fossils, crystals, astrology and more, while gathering all my 12 year expertise in design to blend it all together into the brand, based on subjects I really enjoy and I hope to find more people that enjoy it too.
I think that’s the catch, to create something so unique and find your niche right? People that admire art, that understand how special it is to turn a vision into something you can take home or wear.
Most times when artists create something they pour out of them part of their personalities, their vision of the world, what they love, what they find curious and fingers crossed we find those people out there.
Maybe when I start to know myself I’ll understand more about my art too, and I do — a bit. But that’s personal. If you ever see it, take your own conclusions.
I can’t wait to find people from my tribe though. I think it will be pretty sweet to notice how alike we are and how they fancy what I fancy.
I have found some. And to hear comments about something you made, sometimes a full freak out when admiring my stall at a market, sometimes a very polite ‘this is so curious and unique’ like honestly
I’ve always liked to admire people being talented. But now it has another meaning you know, especially because Im sharing my talent too, so now I admire it in a different way and Im super proud of that human even if I know nothing about them. People stepping into their authenticity and seeing where that takes them when combined with talent, technique and some tools. It’s amazing to see.
For some time now I wanted to pour words into my keyboard just to share what’s on my mind and maybe find someone going through the same, or anyone in need to read what I have to say about my journey as a designer, a small business owner and just a woman trying to juggle loads of plates all at once, only to notice that that one stopped spinning.